Products and Services provided by Reactive Technologies may be covered by one or more of the following patents owned by Reactive Technologies Ltd. and/or its affiliates. The following list of patents may not be all inclusive.
Patent | Country |
2011209411 | Australia |
2015203539 | Australia |
102884699B | China |
EP2355293 | Germany |
EP2675034 | Germany |
EP2355293 | EPO |
EP2675034 | EPO |
EP2675034 | Spain |
EP2675034 | Finland |
EP2355293 | France |
EP2675034 | France |
GB2469361 | UK |
EP2355293 | UK |
EP2675034 | Ireland |
EP2675034 | Italy |
EP2675034 | Netherlands |
EP267534 | Norway |
2001/0181109 | USA |
201180026097.8 | China |
EP2577832 | Germany |
EP2577832 | UK |
GB2480705 | UK |
EP2577832 | EPO |
EP2577832 | France |
HK1183565 | Hong Kong |
EP2577832 | Ireland |
EP2577832 | Italy |
10-1797262 | South Korea |
201208022-2 | Singapore |
2011/0285362 | USA |
14/265879 | USA |
EP2503344 | Austria |
2012230262 | Australia |
EP2503344 | Belgium |
2,830,647 | Canada |
EP2503344 | Switzerland |
103444039 | China |
107103401 B | China |
EP2503344 | Czech Republic |
EP2503344 | Germany |
EP2715903 | Germany |
EP2503344 | Denmark |
EP2503344 | EPO |
EP2715903 | EPO |
EP2503344 | Spain |
EP2503344 | Finland |
EP2503344 | France |
EP2715903 | France |
GB2479060 | UK |
EP2503344 | UK |
EP2715903 | UK |
1175540 | Hong Kong |
EP2503344 | Ireland |
228474 | Israel |
EP2503344 | Italy |
2014-500426 | Japan |
10-2013-7028068 | South Korea |
EP2503344 | Netherlands |
615460 | New Zealand |
EP2503344 | Poland |
EP2503344 | Sweden |
201306667-5 | Singapore |
EP2503344 | Turkey |
201320522 | Taiwan |
2012/0245752 | USA |
9362754 | USA |
2013/06896 | South Africa |
2014231141 | Australia |
EP3462630 | Austria |
EP2974053 | Belgium |
EP3462630 | Belgium |
2906147 | Canada |
EP2974053 | Switzerland |
EP3462630 | Switzerland |
CN105210302B | China |
EP3462630 | Czech Republic |
EP2974053 | Germany |
EP3462630 | Germany |
EP2974053 | Denmark |
EP3462630 | Denmark |
EP2974053 | EPO |
EP3462630 | EPO |
EP2974053 | Spain |
EP3462630 | Spain |
EP2974053 | Finland |
EP3462630 | Finland |
EP2974053 | France |
EP3462630 | France |
1306894.5 | UK |
1513479.4 | UK |
EP3462630 | UK |
1220819 | Hong Kong |
EP3462630 | Croatia |
EP2974053 | Ireland |
EP3462630 | Ireland |
241458 | Israel |
EP2974053 | Italy |
EP3462630 | Italy |
EP3462630 | Iceland |
6436493 | Japan |
10-22-1966 | South Korea |
EP2974053 | Netherlands |
EP3462630 | Netherlands |
EP2974053 | Norway |
EP3462630 | Norway |
712658 | New Zealand |
EP3462630 | Poland |
EP3462630 | Portugal |
EP2974053 | Sweden |
EP3462630 | Sweden |
11201507551V | Singapore |
EP3462630 | Turkey |
I655849 | Taiwan |
10193721 | USA |
3066734 | Austria |
3518365 | Austria |
2014345728 | Australia |
2019202234 | Australia |
3066734 | Belgium |
3518365 | Belgium |
2929196 | Canada |
3066734 | Switzerland |
105706325 B | China |
3066734 | Czech Republic |
3066734 | Germany |
3518365 | Germany |
3066734 | Denmark |
3518365 | Denmark |
3066734 | EPO |
3518365 | EPO |
3066734 | Spain |
3518365 | Spain |
3066734 | Finland |
3518365 | Finland |
3066734 | France |
3518365 | France |
1319624.1 | UK |
1416620.1 | UK |
3066734 | UK |
3518365 | UK |
3066734 | Croatia |
3066734 | Ireland |
3518365 | Ireland |
245451 | Israel |
3518365 | Iceland |
3066734 | Italy |
3518365 | Italy |
6566525 | Japan |
10-2304537 | South Korea |
3066734 | Netherlands |
3518365 | Netherlands |
3518365 | Norway |
720073 | New Zealand |
3066734 | Poland |
3066734 | Portugal |
3518365 | Portugal |
3066734 | Sweden |
3518365 | Sweden |
11201603503Y | Singapore |
3066734 | Turkey |
I649574 | Taiwan |
10218181 | USA |
2016/03425 | South Africa |
EP3132517 | Austria |
2015246228 | Australia |
EP3132517 | Belgium |
2945865 | Canada |
EP3132517 | Switzerland |
106463961B | China |
EP3132517 | Czech Republic |
EP3132517 | Germany |
EP3132517 | Denmark |
EP3132517 | EPO |
EP3132517 | Spain |
EP3132517 | Finland |
EP3132517 | France |
EP3132517 | United Kingdom |
1406791 | UK |
EP3132517 | Croatia |
EP3132517 | Ireland |
248280 | Israel |
EP3132517 | Italy |
6535929 | Japan |
10-2499505 | Korea |
EP3132517 | Luxembourg |
EP3132517 | Netherlands |
725123 | New Zealand |
EP3132517 | Poland |
EP3132517 | Portugal |
EP3132517 | Sweden |
I661636 | Taiwan |
EP3132517 | Turkey |
10348096 | USA |
2016/07100 | South Africa |
2017368272 | Australia |
3549225 | EPO |
3549225 | Germany |
3549225 | Denmark |
3549225 | Spain |
3549225 | Finland |
3549225 | France |
3549225 | United Kingdom |
3549225 | Ireland |
3549225 | Iceland |
3549225 | Italy |
3549225 | Norway |
3549225 | Portugal |
3549225 | Sweden |
MY-200389-A | Malaysia |
10997674 | USA |
2017368274 | Australia |
MY-199081-A | Malaysia |
106141960 | Taiwan |
11216893 | USA |
EP3552290 | EPO |
EP3552290 | Unitary Patent |
EP3552290 | Spain |
EP3552290 | United Kingdom |
EP3552290 | Ireland |
EP3552290 | Iceland |
EP3552290 | Norway |
11112437 | USA |
I751241 | Taiwan |
2190985EPNL | Netherlands |
2190985EPPL | Poland |
2190985EPPT | Portugal |
2190985EPES | Spain |
2190985EPSE | Sweden |
2190985EPCH | Switzerland |
2190985EPTR | Turkey |
2190985IL | Israel |
2190985JP | Japan |
2190985SG | Singapore |
2190985USC1 | United States of America |